Change Homepage

This article refers to the redirection of your homepage to an alternate content page, NOT the changing of a homepage's content.

This is a seldom used feature, but can come in handy if you ever need to replace the homepage content temporarily. You may consider using this for the display of an important announcement, or to call attention to a special event or fundraiser.

As mentioned above, this is just taking an alternate page's content, and displaying it in place of the default homepage's content. This, as opposed to changing the content directly within the homepage, will save you the trouble of having to re-edit the homepage once you decide to revert back.


Existing Homepage:

Temporary Page:

By making the change, the temporary page will be redirected to the existing homepage URL. becomes

To make the change:

  • Website>Pages.
  • Click the arrow next to the Edit button of the page and select Make this my homepage.
  • A home icon will display next to the page title.
  • When switching back, just repeat the process. (The original homepage will show its URL as "/home-page".)

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