Adding an Anchor (Bookmark)

Anchors link you to subsections of content. Generally, these are used with lengthier website pages in order to reduce the amount of scrolling. For example, if you have an employee directory, you can setup anchors at the top of the page, one for each department. Each anchor link when clicked will jump down the page to the specified section of content, eliminating the need to scroll.

Step 1: Set the Anchor

  1. Place your cursor to the left of the heading or paragraph subsection you would like to link to.
  2. Select the 'Anchor' icon (flag) from the toolbar.
  3. Enter an Anchor Name. Make the name short, lowercase and separate words by hyphens.
  4. Select OK. A red flag icon will appear next to your content.

Step 2: Link the Anchor

  1. Highlight the text which should link to this heading.
  2. Select the 'Link' button from the toolbar.
  3. From the Link Type drop-down menu, select Link to anchor in the text.
  4. Select the associated Anchor Name. (The Element Id will automatically populate).
  5. Select OK.

Repeat the process for all subsections you need to link to.

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