Manage File Library Folder Settings/Permissions
Access: Tools > Media Library > Private Files
Once a main folder has been created, we can configure our settings and Public Permissions tab. This will determine which users will, or will not have access to the contents of this folder and its sub folders.
- What file libraries is this part of? – Click into the field and select the library you’ve just created. This will associate the folder and its respective content with that library. Repeat for additional libraries, if needed.
- Who Can View/Download section - Choose “Custom Permissions”.
Background: Roles
A role is a collective set of permissions. These are applied to user accounts to determine what they have access to. The permissions carry over to any user associated with that role. There is no need to setup permissions on a user-by-user basis.
Choose whether you want to ALLOW access to less than, or more than half of the roles. This will determine the next steps we take. If access will be allowed to exactly half, just use the Less Than option.
Less Than (most common)
- Change the "allowed" drop-down to "denied".
- Hit the “Allow access to the following roles" switch.
- Click into the field and select a role which WILL be allowed access. Repeat for additional roles, if necessary.
- Do you need to override any individual user’s access?
Yes/Unsure - Jump to the User Permissions section below.
No – Click the Update button to save, then jump to the Upload Media section.
More Than
- Leave the "allowed" drop-down as is.
- Hit the “Deny access to the following roles" switch.
- Click into the field and select a role which WILL NOT be allowed access. Repeat for additional roles, if necessary.
- Do you need to override any individual user’s access?
Yes/Unsure - Jump to the User Permissions section below.
NO - Click the Update button to save, then jump to the Upload Media section.