Edit Page SEO Information

Your content editor has built-in tools which allow you to fully customize the SEO details for each web page. These are designed to improve your website's optimization within search engines.

There are 3 main components to your page's SEO:

1. Title

The title is the name of your page. This will be visible to the public in search engine results, in addition to web browser tabs and your computer's taskbar. It is the most important of the 3 SEO components, which is why it is required for all pages.

To Edit:

  • The Title field is located above your toolbars.

2. Description

The description can be a sentence, or two shorter sentences describing the page's content. If there isn't enough content on the page to apply something unique, use a generic description about the company or organization. Generic descriptions can be setup as a default to show on all pages unless you choose to customize it. See: Edit Default SEO Information.

To Edit:

  • Select the SEO tab. The Description field is below.

3. Keywords

Keywords or phrases are what people would enter into a search engine to find a website whose content is relative to that search.

To Edit:

  • Select the SEO tab. Enter in keywords and/or phrases. Separate keywords/phrases with a comma and a space (keyword 1, keyword 2).
  • Enter in a Primary Keyword. This will take precedence over your other keywords.

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