Create a New File Library (Category)

Access:  Tools > File Library

A File Library is an access restricted folder on your website which stores files, like PDFs, Word and Excel documents. The main library is available by typing “/file-library” after your website address (i.e. This page is made up of individual file libraries, which act as categories. You can create as many of these as you like.

  • Enter a Name. The URL will generate automatically.
  • Choose your Display as option (reference screenshot):

    List of files only – recommended if you have a single group of uncategorized files (no subfolders).

    Nested, Files and Directories – recommended if you have one or more subfolders in which to categorize your files. This will display all associated folders and their respective files once clicked on.
  • Save File Library.
  • Choose the ‘back’ button to return to the library list.

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